This week on Plot Twist, Jeff tells the story of his signature Wild Pair deck with Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder and Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper.
This week on Plot Twist, Jeff tells the story of his signature Wild Pair deck with Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder and Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper.
Queer Phyrexia is a step ahead of the rest of us and already brewing commanders from Duskmourn. Check out this Toby, Beastie Befriender deck!
This week on Plot Twist, things are getting mad! Jeff's brewed a Mr. Foxglove deck that wants to discard cards for value before recasting them.
This week, Jeff's taking a legends-matter spin on Zinnia, Valley's Voice from the Bloomburrow Family Matters precon.
This week, a storm is brewing in Plot Twist country. A trash panda storm led by Muerra, Trash Tactician from Bloomburrow.
This week's decklist has no honor because Jeff is hacking the creature types of his opponents' creatures to win the game!
This week, we're building a deck with Omo, Queen of Vesuva that turns our opponents lands in to every land type. Can it landwalk the walk and land-talk the talk?
This week, Jeff is dabbling around with dragons and...affinity? See what sort of stories he hopes to tell with Herigast, Erupting Nullkite!
Jeff smashes together the Spellslinger and Voltron archetypes in this week's edition of Plot Twist featuring Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot.
This week on Plot Twist, Jeff's building a Golgari 'Theft' deck helmed by Vraska, the Silencer from Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
Jeff goes crazy for extra Upkeep Steps with Obeka, Splitter of Seconds in the latest edition of Plot Twist!
On the newest edition of Plot Twist, Jeff builds a secret commander deck led by Baru, Fist of Krosa. Can you guess what the secret commander is?
Jeff builds the first combo (and mono-colored) Commander deck in the history of Plot Twist with Nick Valentine, Private Eye.
Fallout brings us the new Rad counters and Jeff is here to add a twist by The Wise Mothman to irradiate himself and reanimate for the win!
It finally happened! The Magic: The Gathering 1994 World Championships has concluded its last Shahrazad subgame after an agonizing 30 years.
Do the Boros thing without Goad? What is Jeff thinking in this edition of Plot Twist focusing on Aurelia, the Law Above?
Throw your opponents for a loop with a creatureless Duskana, the Rage Mother deck that wins with tokens, anthems and planeswalkers.
Whether you're offloading draft leftovers, liquidating your collection, trading up, or raising rent money, Cardsphere is the place to go!
Remember Signature Spellbooks? What were they, and why did they stop making them? Find out in this edition of Retrospective Review.
Get an insider look into player's minds during some historic moments in Magic from 2023.
Gloryscale Viashino takes the lead in a Naya pEDH deck for the ages.
Check out this latest installment of CUT - the Holiday Edition!
Wondering what your favorite MTG artists' favorite art was for 2023? Find out in our exclusive year-end interviews!
Cal gives us the answers to your cEDH dilemmas from proxy usage, underused archetypes, and dealing with Dockside Extortionist at the micro and macro decision level.
Should you cater your Commander games to Mr. Solitaire Combo or the whole group? How important are good vibes to the satisfaction of all players?
2024 is the Year of the Dragon! What better way to celebrate the Lunar New Year than with all-new promo cards?
Let's dig into the story of Garruk. Who is he? Why does he only pop up now and then? Could Wizards have done a better job with his story?
Brad Aldridge of Commander Spellbook gives us his tournament report from MTG Summit 2023!